Absolutely not. Our facilities are our clients, why would we charge you additional fees?
We believe in independent pharmacy and personal relationships; qualities that you don’t get when working with a corporation. We have no plan or desire to sell-out to a larger corporation.
Call our pharmacy line and at the end of the automated message you will be directed to the on-call pharmacists phone number. Simply call the pharmacist and we will take care of the rest.
We delivery to facilities across the Portland metropolitan area in Oregon.
It is always a good idea to notify the family that they may see a new pharmacy name, and even encourage them to call us so we can introduce ourselves. But remember that your facility is responsible for all medication records and errors, and with an increase in convenience and no increase in cost, why not make the change?
No, we can send invoices to the patients financial responsible parties.
Your relationship with your pharmacy is very important to the care of your residents, and we believe the pharmacy you work with everyday is your choice. Notify the family that you will be using a new pharmacy to get better service for no additional cost.
No, just like other pharmacies, we submit all prescriptions to the insurance first, and patients are only responsible for the copay. There is NO charge for our additional services.
The second our pharmacy receives your resident form and medication list you’re done! Congratulations, and get ready to work with the most convenient pharmacy you’ve ever worked with.
Complete the “Add New Patient” form online (or print “Resident Form”), and fax with medication list to (503) 908-0865. Then call your previous pharmacy and notify them of the change and you would like to inactivate your resident/facility.
Free, Free, Free and Free!
We have a small population of patients that are housebound and are served by physicians that make house calls to there homes. Unfortunately, since we are categorized as a long-term care pharmacy, we are unable to accept more private homes.
Yes, we are always accepting new facilities and patients to our services.